Saturday, May 1, 2010

Touch, Modeling Clay Style

This is a short stop motion video exploring one of the five senses. Do I seem violent? I blame my brothers.

Writer's Block, A Tale of Frustration

This is a short stop-motion piece I did sophomore year before entering the Communication Design program. Therefore, forgive my use of Papyrus. I knew not what I was doing (Avatar has no excuse though). The visuals were created with an eraser board and markers, images of which I then dumped into Flash.

Flash, how you frustrate me

(The blog is a little out of sequence. This was completed after the stop-motion pieces. I have yet to master the other uses of Flash) Here's my first pass at a title sequence for the fictional show "Noble Pursuit". According to the blurb we had to design around, this guy fights in the Seven Years War, becomes a spy and a con-man, works his way up and marries "Lady Avarice", and then his so-called happy life falls apart. I have focused on the spy/con-man phase of his life and depicted it through numerous hats/disguises. It didn't really turn out how I wanted it to, and looks a little inconsistent and cobbled together. My first idea had to be scrapped because I just didn't have enough time/knowledge of Flash yet. Hopefully I can revise it once Monday is over. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fun with Letraset

So my professor, John Hendrix, bought a bunch of old rub-on transfer lettering at an estate sale and brought it in for us to play with. Best. Class. Ever. The textures you can get with this stuff is amazing and so random that you could never duplicate it on the computer. Look at the image just above this text. I was so annoyed when the V wouldn't come off of the sheet, but now I love the ghostly effect it created. Here's a combo composition completed in Photoshop:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Technology, it needs me

(title taken from The Whigs song "Technology")

Here's another illustration I did for Stud Life to accompany an article about the constant pressure to always be reachable by phone, text, email, etc. You can't get a moment's peace anymore! I heartily agreed with this editorial, and it seems especially relevant in this new world of networking I'm venturing into. Phone, text, email, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Behance, other email, blog, face-to-face communication, notes, carrier pigeons--it's exhausting! Anyhoo, enjoy:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Merry Melodies

This is something I did a while ago, but it still makes me giggle. I wasn't sure if I should put it in my portfolio, but I wanted to at least put it on here. So feast your eyes upon my line of Christmas-themed bathroom products!
From the top: hand towel, soap dish, rinse cup, wash rag, and toothbrush holder.

There's a lake of stew, and of whiskey too, and you can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe...

Here's a look into a few revisions I did on a CD packaging project. The goal was to make a package for a single of Harry McClintock's Big Rock Candy Mountains. The song is based in the legends of hobos riding the tracks and is really quite amusing. I don't know about you, but I'd love to go where "they hung the jerk that invented work", right after sampling those lemonade springs and the delicacies mentioned in the title of this post.
At first, I had it in a horrible plastic jewel case that just didn't fit the rest of the project at all, and I won't even show you the embarrassing thing. Then I moved onto this:
I liked the design, but it was a little too flimsy, so I got some thicker paper and unleashed my newly acquired bookbinding knowledge to create this nifty paper wrapper:

To see the whole shebang, check out my portfolio on Behance at: